Latest Episodes
Pulse of the Nation S04 E01: A Chaotic Summer
American politics has been a delirious rollercoaster for the past four and a half months, hasn’t it? Join us as Braden looks back on...
Pulse of the Nation S03 E07: The House is on Fire. Again.
The U.S. House of Representatives is in utter turmoil, as archconservative Republicans prepare to try to remove right-wing Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) due to...
Pulse of the Nation S03.E06: The Marilyn Landslide
We’re back! Join us as Braden discusses the implications of the recent special election in House District 10, including how abortion could be leveraged...
Pulse of the Nation S03.E05: The Presidential Election Special
The primaries are over, and the longest general election campaign in modern American politics has begun! Join us as Braden takes a close look...
Pulse of the Nation S03 E04: Musings of South Carolina and Michigan
The primary season is heating up! Join us as Braden discusses the implications of the recent South Carolina and Michigan primary results, as well...
Pulse of the Nation S03.E03: Wisconsin’s Maps and the Realities of 2024
Wisconsin has new state legislative maps, Alabama’s Supreme Court has ruled against in-vitro fertilization, and one of the House GOP’s star witnesses in the...